Inside that secret room, you'll have to flush the Nome out, and it will run out of the room to the left. After the first flight, you will need to enter the room to the right, then drag a chair onto a secret panel on the floor, opening a secret door in the wardrobe. The first flight climbs to the right, then the second long flight of stairs climbs to the left. Nome 1 - There’s a long flight of stairs near the beginning of the area. It runs back into the room to the right and hides in the (darkened) left corner of the room.
#Nome little nightmares free#
Nome 3 - After you climb the filing cabinets to turn off the power a second time, move to the far left side of the room and light the lantern, then look in the background and pull open the crate to free the Nome. Crawl through the cage and into the next room, then grab the Nome. You can reach the cage by walking along the top row of cages, then jumping to the right, or by taking a running jump to the right and grabbing the ledge (if you’re just short) by holding R2 (PS4) or RT (Xbox) to stop yourself from falling to the floor (and dying). There’s a Nome in a cage to the far right. Nome 2 - After you reach the first room with the petrifying eye, climb up the mountain of cages to the right of the spotlight, but stop before you reach the floor above. Nome 1 - In the room where you encounter the refrigerator, a Nome will scatter into a dark opening on the right. They are far more frequent in the DLC, Secrets of the Maw, where The Runaway Kid must befriend them to aid in his escape. While there are many that can be spotted running away, there are 13 specific Nomes that you can 'collect' (by hugging) in Little Nightmares, to gain the Achievement or Trophy "Little Lost Things". Even stranger, there are no Nomes in the Lady's Quarters. Somehow, the monsters do not seem to mind them, as if they've grown used to their appearance. The Nomes are found throughout the game, dead or alive. The Nomes are very small, even shorter and scrawnier than Six. They appear to only wear a dirty white shift, and their feet are completely bare. Let's get started with the first area.The Nomes are pale-skinned creatures with comically large conical hat on their heads, covering their entire face.

By quitting the game after completing each chapter and backing up your save, you can give yourself a restart point to return to if you meet your demise, and if you're familiar with this walkthrough then the time limit shouldn't be a problem. The hardest challenge is Hard to the Core, which requires you to beat the whole game in under an hour with zero deaths. Note: we've highlighted the locations of many lamps and candles which can be lit with your lighter - once you've ignited 20 of these you'll receive the Light Up Your Life Trophy or Achievement meaning you don't need to activate all of them, and you should unlock it before the end of The Kitchen chapter if you follow our guidance.įor the Elusive Trophy or Achievement you need to escape from chasing enemies three times - run away from an enemy and slide out of their reach, you'll know if you've done this successfully as the game saving icon will appear in the corner of the screen.

This guide will lead you step by step through all of the Little Nightmares puzzles, as well as highlighting all of the collectible locations and any other Trophies or Achievements you can earn on your journey.